Prelims Focus

Prelims Focus- 27th October 2023

1.Star Labelling

Context: The Indian government has implemented a program called Star Labelling to increase consumer knowledge and encourage the use of high-quality and energy-efficient solar panels.


  • The Star Labelling Programme aims to assist consumers in making well-informed decisions when buying and setting up solar panels.
  • The Star Labelling Programme is a program created by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency that rates appliances’ energy efficiency on a scale of 1-5. 
  • It is a voluntary program established under the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. 
  • The program aims to assist consumers in making educated decisions regarding energy-consuming appliances. 
  • It is projected to save around 11.2 billion units of electricity and decrease CO2 emissions by nearly 9 million tonnes by 2030.
  • The program seeks to give consumers the ability to make informed decisions about solar panels’ quality and energy efficiency. 
  • By 2030, it is predicted that the solar panels with star certification will help decrease CO2 emissions by around 30 million tonnes per year.
  • India is expecting to install 200 GW of solar panels by 2030, leading to a significant rise in solar energy capacity.


Context: The LUPEX Mission, a joint effort between India and Japan called Chandrayaan-4, aims to find water in the southern region of the moon. This discovery could be beneficial for future missions to the moon and space exploration in general.


  • The Lunar Polar Exploration Mission (LUPEX) is a joint lunar exploration project involving Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). 
  • The mission aims to explore the presence of water in the lunar South Pole region, which is believed to contain water ice in shadowed areas. 
  • ISRO will provide the lander, while JAXA will provide the H3 launch vehicle and rover. 
  • The mission faces challenges in the low temperatures and lack of direct sunlight in the polar regions.
  • The mission may explore the idea of creating a permanent station or base on the Moon, which could be used as a starting point for future space exploration, such as missions to Mars.

3.Jamrani Dam


The Jamrani Dam Multipurpose Project in Uttarakhand has been included in the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana-Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (PMKSY-AIBP) by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA).


  • The project consists of building a dam on the Gola River, which is a tributary of the Ram Ganga River in the Nainital district. 
  • It aims to provide irrigation, generate 14 MW of hydropower, and supply drinking water to Haldwani and its surrounding areas. 
  • The Jamrani Dam Multipurpose Project is the seventh project to be included in the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), which aims to enhance irrigation and water efficiency as part of the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP).
  • The Union Cabinet has given its approval to provide financial aid of Rs 1,557.18 crore to Uttarakhand. This funding will be utilized to finish a project that is expected to cost around Rs 2,584.10 crore by March 2028.
  • The majority of the irrigation benefits from this project will also be received by the neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh. The two states have agreed to share the costs and benefits according to a memorandum of understanding signed in 2017. 

4.Vajra Mushti Kalaga

In News: Vajra Mushti Kalaga, a martial art form in terminal decline.

    • “Vajra Mushti Kalaga” (Diamond Panty Duel) is a unique form of  martial arts that combines various  hand-to-hand combat techniques such as grappling, grappling and striking techniques. 
    • The Vajra Mushti (Thunder Fist) is characterized by the use of knuckles, a small metal weapon usually made from animal horns such as buffalo, with ivory (ivory) used for the fighter’s knuckles. 
    • The main goal of this Indian martial art  is to neutralize the opponent and fight with his weapons. 
  • Occasion:
    • It is held on the ninth day of Navaratri at Amba Vilas Palace in Mysore. 
    • The battle is real and the docks do their best to suck blood from the opponent’s head and the winner is the one who draws  blood from the opponent’s head first.

5.International Competition Network (ICN)

In News: The Competition Commission of India (CCI) became a part of the prestigious 18-member steering committee of the International Competition Network (ICN).

  • Founded: October 2001. 
  • Purpose: ICN is a specialized but informal network of competition agencies with the common goal of dealing with practical competition law  and policy issues. 
  • The ICN is the only global body dedicated exclusively to competition law enforcement.  
  • Membership: 141 competition agencies. 
  • It is a voluntary consensus-based organization whose members are national or international competition authorities or customs regional competition agencies. 
  • Structure and Mission: ICN is not a rule-making organization and its work products are not legally binding instruments.  
    • When ICN members agree on recommendations or recommended practices based on their projects, individual competition agencies decide whether and how to implement these recommendations. 
  • Mission: to support the introduction of higher standards and procedures in competition policy worldwide, 
    • prepare proposals for convergence of procedures and content and 
    • seek to facilitate effective international cooperation for the benefit of member agencies, consumers and the global economy.

6.EU-India Joint Naval Exercise

In News: India and the European Union recently conducted their first joint naval exercise in the Gulf of Guinea.

    • The purpose of the exercise was to strengthen maritime security cooperation between navies and to observe the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. 
    • INS Sumedha was joined by the Italian navy ship ITS Foscari, the French navy ship FS Ventôse and the Spanish navy ship Tornado.  
  • Gulf of Guinea 
    • Location: The Gulf of Guinea is the most northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean from Cape Gabon to Cape Lopez in Liberia to Cape Palmas in Liberia. The gulf coast includes the Gulf of Benin and the Gulf of Bonny.  
    • Rivers:  Niger and Volta flow into the Gulf of Guinea. 
    • The provinces are: Annobon, Bioko, Bobowasi-saari, Corisco, São Tomé and Príncipe.


In News: Hydrilla was found in Michigan, US, for the first time.

  • Scientific Name : Hydrilla verticillata
  • It is known as water thyme, and is a submersed perennial herb.
  • It is an invasive aquatic plant mainly known for its rapid growth and harmful effects on ecosystems.
  • It has different ways of reproducing, allowing it to spread rapidly, outcompete native plants and quickly form dense single-species infestations. 
  • Habitat and Distribution: It can be found in both low- and high-quality waters and has been found in lakes, rivers, reservoirs, wetlands, ponds and streams.
    • It is native to Parts of Asia, Africa, and Australia
  • It can be treated with herbicide, it is difficult to eradicate because tubers and turions can persist in the sediment for years, and plants can reproduce from even tiny fragments.
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