Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Telemedicine’s Green Gains in Healthcare

Syllabus: Science and Technology [GS Paper-3]

Recent News

A recent study conducted by researchers at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad revealed that a large majority of individuals visiting an eye hospital could benefit from teleconsultations, as their issues are not severe enough to necessitate a hospital visit.

Key Points

  • In high-income countries, studies have shown that telemedicine is a convenient and eco-friendly way to provide healthcare services. 
  • India’s healthcare sector emitted 74 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2014, making up 3% of the country’s total emissions that year. 
  • To reduce its environmental impact, the healthcare industry should strive for carbon neutrality, with teleophthalmology being highlighted as a useful tool to help reach this objective.

Details on the study

  • Researchers at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad have recently conducted a study which underscores environmental gains brought on by telemedicine methods. They reported that telemedicine, which is concerned with eye care through remote consultations, generates a substantial reduction in the level of carbon discharge.
  • Travel and Carbon Emissions Reduction: The research revealed that the telemedicine users generally travelled as much as. 1,666 less kilometres as compared to those who preferred the face to face visits and hence the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere as a result of car transportation were 176.6 Kgs less. This is more so in India when the rurality is so high that many patients need to cover long distances to reach the healthcare facilities.
  • Telemedicine in High-Income Countries: Studies in the regions with a high income which have indicated the contribution of telemedicine both in patient-friendliness and in environmental concern have been carried out. It provides a service of healthcare delivery that cuts out the necessitating the travel, so, it reduces GHG emissions.
  • Healthcare Sector’s Carbon Footprint: The healthcare industry represents the source of an important portion of carbon emissions. In the year 2014, India’s healthcare, which has about 74 million tonnes, reflected the nation’s which were less than 3%. The high health service needs will be associated with the dangerous emissions of the gases as recirculated air poses greater health risks.
  • The Push for Carbon Neutrality: Exposition of the study’s lead author, Dr. Padmaja Kumari, highlights the strain of every healthcare system to make a carbon neutrality mettle. Teleophthalmology, as an efficient method, helps to accomplish this and will serve as an instrument that will be utilised by the eye care sector.


Telemedicine refers to the provision of healthcare services remotely, typically through telecommunications technology. 

Instead of patients physically visiting a doctor’s office or hospital, they can interact with healthcare professionals using video calls, phone calls, text messages, or other digital communication methods.

Telemedicine offers several benefits, including:

  • Convenience: Patients get an opportunity to access healthcare services regardless of where they live while at their homes, which results in decreasing the amount of time one requires to travel and wait for service.
  • Access to Specialists: Patients that live in a rural area and neglected cannot have to make the journey to seek advice from doctors based in other areas.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Connectivity through telemedicine can be cheaper for both patients and health care providers by the way of less expensive clinics on site issuing advice.
  • Reduced Exposure to Illnesses: Most notably in the case of pandemics or individuals who have a weakened body system, telehealth delivers a lower risk of contraction of illnesses contracted in healthcare settings.


The adoption of telemedicine can lead to significant environmental benefits by reducing travel-related carbon emissions. This reduction is crucial for a country like India, where the healthcare sector’s carbon footprint is substantial. Telemedicine not only provides accessible healthcare but also contributes to the sustainability of the environment.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Mains Practice Question

Q.Discuss the environmental benefits and challenges associated with the widespread adoption of telemedicine in healthcare. How can the healthcare industry leverage telemedicine to reduce its carbon footprint while maintaining quality patient care?

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