Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Tech Giants under EU Investigation

Syllabus: International Relations [GS Paper - 2]


The European Commission is investigating major digital companies like Meta, Google’s Alphabet, Apple, and Amazon to ensure fair competition under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). These Tech Giants are under EU Investigation which is mainly aiming at the enforcement of rules and keeping things levelled equally for both consumers and businesses.

About European Commission

  • The European Commission, as the administrative engine of the European Union, undertakes various technical tasks, namely, outlining and carrying through legislative proposals, policymaking and overseeing the budget. 
  • It is playing a vital role in preserving the quality and unity of EU law assuring its uniform interpretation in all member states. 
  • Also, the Commission is the EU’s representative in international affairs, negotiating treaties and agreements on behalf of the Union. 
  • Similarly, with its extensive authority allowed by the Commission, it serves as the protector of the EU interests, promoting the principles of democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights that lead to the collective progress of the European citizens through cooperation and integration among the member states.

What is Digital Markets Act (DMA)

  • The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a regulation set up by the European Union intended to govern big tech companies active in the digital market. 
  • It aims to take measures for levelling fields and protect consumers by preventing these companies from misusing their dominating positions. 
  • The DMA addresses different aspects like preventing anti-competitive behaviours, securing interoperability, and data access as well as giving power to the regulators to enforce the rules. 
  • The Act is meant to be an innovation-stimulating, users’ rights-protecting and a digital ecosystem in the EU with a more competitive and transparent direction.

Brief about the Investigation

  • The EU is investigating tech giants like Apple and Alphabet to ensure they are following the Digital Markets Act, which includes regulations on allowing developers to offer alternative payment options and preventing favouritism of their own services in search results.
  • In the case of Apple, there are three main areas in the investigation. Firstly, it is concerned with the ability of users on iOS devices to delete software applications or personal information. Secondly, whether there are enough alternatives for customers to change the default settings on iOS. Finally, if Apple offers a simple interface for users to change their default browser or search engine via the desktop iOS devices.
  • Meta, Facebook and Instagram parent company, was caught in time for the “pay or consent” model in the EU. This monetization model asks users to either pay for service or to view ads. EU authorities are trying to determine its compliance with DMA regulations and if it honours the User rights and privacy.
  • Altogether, these investigations are designed to promote fair competition, uphold consumer rights, and guarantee a flat market in the EU.

How the noncompliant companies will be penalised

  • Companies that do not follow the rules may incur serious difficulties. 
  • They might well pay fines which are as many as 10% of all money they make all over the globe. 
  • And if they keep repeating the same mistake, the fines will be levied higher, up to 20%. 
  • If it is shown that they often do not adhere to the rules, they may be forced to sell parts of their companies or stop using other related services. 
  • To put it simply, breaking the rules will possibly lead to a significant loss of money or to a change in how the company operates.


  • The European Union is investigating tech giants such as Apple, Meta, Alphabet and Amazon for implementing unfair rules. The concerns are focused on the alleged violations such as self-preference and reduction of choice. Penalties for failure to comply may involve large fines and having to sell some of their businesses. 
  • Such attention raises the awareness of regulatory activities to make competition fair and choice of consumers and at the same time emphasise the need for tech firms to abide by the rules and regulations of the digital marketplace.

Source: Northeastern Global News

UPSC Mains Practice Question

Q.Discuss the implications of the European Union’s investigation of major tech companies like Apple, Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon under the Digital Markets Act. Evaluate the potential consequences for non-compliance and the broader implications for digital market regulation and consumer protection. [250 Words]

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