Static Quiz

Static Quiz – 4th May 2024

1. In which one of the following regions was Dhanyakataka, which flourished as a prominent Buddhist centre under the Mahasanghikas, located?


2. With reference to ancient India, consider the following statements:

  1. The concept of Stupa is Buddhist in origin.
  2. Stupa was generally a repository of relics.
  3. Stupa was a votive and commemorative structure in Buddhist tradition.

How many of the statements given above are correct?


3.  With reference to ancient South India, Korkai, Poompuhar and Muchiri were well known as


4. Consider the following dynasties:

  1. Hoysala
  2. Gahadavala
  3. Kakatiya
  4. Yadava

How many of the above dynasties established their kingdoms in the early eighth century AD?


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