Static Quiz

Static Quiz 21st January

1. Which one among the following may be considered a reason for India having a large dependent population (in absolute number)?


2. India is said to be in the second state of the demographic transition because:


3. Which of the following factors can act as a bottleneck in harnessing demographic dividend?

  1. Skill level of workforce
  2. Level of industrialization
  3. Health level of workers
  4. Poverty level

Select the correct answer using the codes given here:


4. The ownership rights over land could not be transferred to peasants because:

  1. The purchase price offered could not be afforded by many tenants
  2. Threat by landowners
  3. Resumption of personal cultivation by Zamindars
  4. Oral tenancy agreements

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


5. The Nehru-Mahalanobis strategy of development guided the planning practice in India from the:


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