UPSC Editorial Analysis

Populism does not help Public Health

GS Paper 1 - Population and associated Issues

Context –  The article highlights the need for a shift in the approach to public health management in democratic setups emphasizing the importance of prioritizing preventive measures over immediate politically-driven responses. It advocates for separation of healthcare decision-making from short-term political goals to ensure sustainable health strategies that address both immediate and future health needs.

Populism and Public Health

  • Populism, characterized by its emphasis on the interests and opinions of the ordinary people against the elite, has gained momentum across the globe.
  • While it often capitalizes on legitimate grievances  and concerns of the populace, populism’s simplistic narratives and disregard for expert opinion can undermine public health efforts.
  • One of the key hallmarks of populism in the context of public health is the promotion of policies that prioritize short-term political gains over long-term health benefits.
  • This can manifest in various ways, including the downplaying of scientific evidence, the dismissal of expert advice, and the promotion of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Key Highlights

    • Silent victories in preventing diseases often go unnoticed in the pursuit of tangible achievements.
  • Immediate response-focused initiatives divert attention from critical areas like sanitation, disease surveillance, and public health education.
  • The case of dengue exemplifies the prioritization of emergency relief over long-term prevention strategies.
  • The article stresses the importance of evidence-based decision-making and long-term goals in public health policies.
  • Gaps in public health education and the influence of the pharmaceutical industry are recognized challenges.
  • Disparities in achieving health policy targets, especially in nutrition programs, reveal gaps in public health efforts.
  • Socio-economic factors like poverty, sanitation, and overcrowding contribute to health disparities in diseases like tuberculosis.

Importance of Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Public Health:

  • In contrast to populist approaches, evidence-based decision-making forms the cornerstone of effective public health governance. By relying on scientific research, empirical data, and expert analysis, policymakers can develop policies and interventions that are grounded in reality and responsive to the needs of the population.
  • Evidence-based approaches allow for the implementation of targeted interventions that prioritize prevention, early detection, and treatment of diseases.
  • By investing in research and innovation, governments can identify emerging health threats, develop effective interventions, and strengthen health systems to withstand future challenges.
  • Moreover, evidence-based decision-making fosters transparency and accountability in public health governance.
  • By engaging with stakeholders, soliciting feedback, and incorporating diverse perspectives, policymakers can ensure that public health policies reflect the needs and priorities of the population.

Way Forward: Towards Responsible Governance in Public Health

  • Addressing the challenges posed by populism requires a concerted effort to promote responsible governance in public health.
  • This entails fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and evidence-based decision-making at all levels of government.
  • Policymakers must prioritize investments in public health infrastructure, workforce development, and research to strengthen health systems and enhance resilience to future crises.
  • Additionally, efforts should be made to combat misinformation and promote health literacy, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
  • Civil society, academia, and the private sector also have a crucial role to play in holding governments accountable and advocating for evidence-based policies
  • By mobilizing resources, expertise, and advocacy efforts, stakeholders can contribute to the development and implementation of effective public health strategies that prioritize the common good.


Populism poses significant challenges to public health governance, undermining efforts to address global health threats and promote equitable access to healthcare services. By embracing evidence-based decision-making and fostering responsible governance, policymakers can mitigate the impact of populism on public health and build resilient health systems that protect the well-being of all citizens. It is imperative that we work together to ensure that public health remains a priority, grounded in science, and guided by the principles of equity, solidarity, and social justice.

SOURCE: The Hindu

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