Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Monkeypox evolves to infect humans through genetic evolution

Syllabus: Health [GS Paper-2], Science and Technology [GS Paper-3]


The mpox virus, formerly known as monkeypox, has a unique evolutionary mechanism referred to as a “genomic accordion.” This term describes the virus’s ability to adapt and evolve through the expansion and contraction of its genome.

About Monkeypox

  • Causes: The one person can blame monkeypox on the viral species in the orthopoxvirus genus, which is also the type of virus that causes smallpox.
  • Transmission: The pathogen can disseminate directly to the humans through the animals, mainly the rodents and primates via blood, or by the abnormalities if exposed to the infected animal’s bodily exudates. Human to human transmission too can be caused when tiny bits of infected material are by airborne droplets that have been exhaled or enter the body through touching someone’s fluid filled lesions.
  • Symptoms: Monkeypox and smallpox, although related in nature, are different to one another in terms of symptoms and it is the latter, usually more severe. The list of signs and symptoms comprise fever, headaches, muscle pains, backaches, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion. In case of hives, a skin-breakout occurs which starts in the face and gradually spreads to other body parts.
  • Treatment: The particular approach for the treatment of monkeypox is not determined. Palliative care, for example pain management and hydration that are some of the initial priorities for the nurses to relax the patient. In some situations, antiviral medicines are the way to go.
  • Prevention: For preventive purposes, the following measures have been introduced including: avoiding contact with animals which could have viruses, specifically rodents and primates, and adhering to good hygiene like hand washing frequently.

Genomic Accordion: The Mechanism of Evolution

  • MPox virus becomes a type of “genomic accordion,” expanding and contracting back, after being exposed to evolutionary selective pressure.
  • To carry this out, the process of gene duplication and obtaining mutations comes into play. As a result, the virus gets an ability to change itself depending on where it resides e.g. new hosts or new environments.
  • The genomic accordion means the consecutive and periodic tone extensions and shortening related to the viral genome.
  • Such changes include repetitive segments of DNA, and also variable regions, all within the virus’s genetic make-up.
  • The mpox virus can either amplify the number of certain genes or make changes over time, which leads to a specific increase in the size of its genome. Alternatively, it can shrink its genome either by removing stretches of genes or inactivating them.

Adaptation and Survival

  • This genomic flexibility allows the mpox virus to evade selective evolutionary pressures. 
  • By altering its genetic makeup, the virus can develop resistance to the host’s immune responses and adapt to new environments or hosts. 
  • The ability to expand the genome lets the virus explore new genetic configurations, potentially leading to more effective ways of infecting humans or evading defences.

Impact on Human Infection

  • The mpox virus infects humans through close contact and has been known to spread through the sexual route. 
  • The genomic accordion strategy is believed to contribute to the virus’s ability to infect humans more effectively. For instance, the 2022-2023 global outbreak of mpox was caused by a subclade IIb descendant of a lineage traced back to Nigeria in 1971. 
  • This particular clade developed a higher rate of human-to-human transmission, possibly due to genomic changes facilitated by the genomic accordion mechanism.

Challenges in Sequencing

  • The low-complexity regions (LCRs) of the mpox virus genome, where the genomic accordion occurs, are often challenging to sequence. 
  • These regions are typically dismissed as uninformative, but they play a crucial role in the virus’s ability to adapt and evolve. 
  • Understanding these regions is essential for tracking the virus’s mutations and predicting potential outbreaks.

Implications for Public Health

  • The genomic accordion’s role in the mpox virus’s evolution has significant implications for public health. 
  • It highlights the need for continuous monitoring of the virus’s genetic changes to anticipate and prepare for future outbreaks. 
  • It also underscores the importance of vaccination and other preventive measures to control the spread of the virus.


The genomic accordion is a fascinating aspect of the mpox virus’s biology, providing it with a powerful tool to adapt, survive, and thrive in various hosts, including humans. This evolutionary strategy poses challenges for disease control but also offers insights into the virus’s behaviour and potential vulnerabilities.

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Prelims Practice Question

Q.What of the following is the primary mode of transmission for monkeypox?

a. Airborne

b. Vector borne

c. Direct contact with infected animals or humans

d. Foodborne 

Ans – “c”

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