UPSC Editorial Analysis

Issues with the Self-Reporting of Mental Illness

GS Paper 2 - Health and Education

Context – The recent studies conducted by researchers of IIT Jodhpur among others bear an ominous sign with shockingly low rates of self reporting of mental health problems in India.

Mental health problems have been gaining recognition worldwide but in India, the awareness is not translating into the necessary action. The self reporting of mental health problems still plays a great role in meeting this gap. Yet, the Indian self-reporting system is shackled by various impediments.

Under-Reporting of Mental Health Problems

  • NSS 2017-2018 Findings: Based on self-reporting by over half a million people via NSS, the data showed rates of self-reporting mental illness of less than 1%.
  • Scale of Mental Illness: 2017 National Mental Health Survey by NIMHANS estimated 150 million people requiring treatment of mental disorders in India.
  • WHO Estimates: India carries a heavy load with 2443 DALYs per 10,000 population and a suicide rate of 21.1 per 100,000 in age category.
  • Suicide Trends: In 2016, India’s share of global suicide death rose to 36% and further escalated in 2021 with a worrying trend particularly among youth and middle-aged adults.
  • National Mental Health Survey: The levels of depression among teenagers and SUDs prevalence of 22.4% in adults presents a bleak picture.

Key Challenges

  • Stigma and Awareness: The social stigma and low awareness impedes the access to mental healthcare which leads to delayed treatment-seeking as well as isolation.
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses: IIT Jodhpur’s study revealed that there were significant out – of – pocket expenditures, particularly in the private sector, for mental health services.
  • Vulnerability Factors: The ones with low income and low education levels have more psychological issues leading to multiplying of the economic hardships in their lives.
  • Socioeconomic Divide: Persons with a higher income tended to have a lot of health difficulties, which implied a social and also economic disparity reflection.
  • Budget and Infrastructure: The main challenges to the mental healthcare delivery are inadequate funding, no insurance cover and inappropriate infrastructure.
  • Shortage of Professionals: India has a terrible dearth of mental health specialists as there are only 3 psychiatrists per million people.

Government Initiatives

  • Mental Healthcare Act, 2016: This Act aims to protect the mentally disordered people
  • National Mental Health Policy, 2014: Promotes mental healthcare access to all and fosters removal of mental health risk factors.

Way Forward

  • Combat Stigma: Carry out countrywide campaigns to redefine how society perceives mental illness.
  • Enhance Awareness: Integrate mental health education into curriculum and distribute resources in vernacular.
  • Improve Coordination: Energize partnership between central and state governments for policies to be fully implemented.
  • Innovative Solutions: Assess tele-care psychiatry, strengthen NGO assistance, and popularize grassroots involvement to address the scarcity.
  • Multisectoral Approach: Adopt a life course approach for adult mental health promotion and implement legal interventions.
  • Enhance Mental Health Ecosystem: Define quality metrics, identify the mental health advocates, and guarantee the affordability and accessibility of care.
  • Embrace Traditional Healing: Seek complementary therapies of Yoga and Ayurveda for mental health.


Mental healthcare should be given priority and collaboration should be encouraged across sectors to develop a resilient mental health system which promotes a healthy lifestyle and provides support to those who require it. Combining time-tested solutions with current interventions results in a comprehensive health approach which is the answer to a mentally healthier country.

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