Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Covishield Cause Rare Side Effects

Syllabus: Science and Technology [GS Paper-3]


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, and vaccines have been hailed as the silver bullet to combat the virus. AstraZeneca’s Covishield has been one of the most widely used vaccines globally, including in India. However, recent news has raised concerns about a rare side effect of the vaccine. 

What is the rare side effect?

  • AstraZeneca has admitted that Covishield can cause a rare blood clotting disorder called Thrombocytopenia. 
  • This condition leads to a decrease in platelet count, which can cause excessive bleeding. 
  • The company has stated that the incidence rate is extremely low, at about 1 in 100,000 doses administered.

About Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS)

  • Sickle cell trait- that is a very serious disorder, where the cell of thrombosis mostly and then the count of thrombocytopenia are present.
  • Symptoms listed in TTS include shortness of breath, chest discomfort, skin discoloration in the form of rashes in fingertips and toes resembling tiny red patches, dull headache, numbness in particular parts of the body.
  • The TTS utilises the same mechanism of the blood vessel in the brain stem that is connected to the brain as happened in a thromboembolic event which involves stroke, heart attack or severe breathing problems; the symptoms developed at organs’ level depending on the location of the blood blockage.

AstraZeneca’s Admission and Lawsuit

  • Legal documents of AstraZeneca said that the vaccine can develop TTS on exceptionally rare cases and the precise mechanisms of which TTS was caused by them are still unknown. 
  • The number of currently registered claims in the High Court of London has already reached 51, with the Britain’s Ministry of justice estimating the total amount of claimant’s and victims’ potential damages worth up to £100 million. 
  • AstraZeneca states that patient safety is its highest value and that the implementation of strict quality requirements by regulators exists for the purpose of reassurance of the safe use of all medical products, which includes vaccines.

Previous Concerns and Regulatory Responses

  • The TTS concern over link with AstraZeneca has been raised before and some European nations placed a temporary ban on the vaccine in March 2021. 
  • The World Health Organization (WHO), and the authorities of regulatory agencies, categorically declare the incidence of TTS but also highlights that the avoidable advantage of vaccination surmount the extremely rare potential unanticipated effects. 
  • In India, AstraZeneca’s vaccine is manufactured and sold by the Serum Institute of India under the brand name Covishield and provides warning to the patients about the risk of TTS which is immediate and rare at the injection site.

How does this affect India?

  • India has already inoculated millions of people who have been administered Covishield, and this can result in reasons to be worried about by the society as well as the medical association.
  • Indian authorities have been making an emphasis that the vaccine is secure together with advantages outnumbering risks.
  • However, some experts have called for increased vigilance and monitoring for any adverse effects.

What are the implications?

  • The media can damage the public’s trust towards vaccines, which in turn will cause hesitancy and potentially sabotage the whole vaccination plan in the country.
  • Healthcare system: Healthcare workers may be asked to face such altered and special situations as Thrombocytopenia which may cause an additional raise of the cases and stress for the system.
  • Regulatory framework: The story indicates that exceptional legislative institutions are required to accidentally observe and fix vaccines related adverse effects.


The admission by AstraZeneca about the rare side effect of Covishield has raised concerns, but it is essential to keep things in perspective. Vaccines have been instrumental in controlling the pandemic, and the benefits far outweigh the risks. However, the incident highlights the need for increased vigilance, transparency, and regulatory oversight to ensure public trust and safety.

Source: The Indian Express

UPSC Prelims Practice Question

Q. Which of the following statements about Covishield is correct?

a) Covishield is a COVID-19 treatment medication.

b) Covishield is developed by Pfizer.

c) Covishield is a type of vaccine used to prevent COVID-19.

d) Covishield is administered orally.

Ans- “c”

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