Static Quiz

Static Quiz – 22nd March 2022

1. Rules of Procedure’ Committee of the Constituent Assembly was headed by:


2. Which of the following statements regarding the Preventive Detention is incorrect?


3. Consider the following statements with respect to appointment of a Governor:

  1. A governor cannot be reappointed in the same state or any other state
  2. Prime Minister can transfer a governor appointed to one state to another state for the rest of the term

Which of the above is/are correct?


4. Consider the following statements regarding discretion of Governor:

  1. Appointment of chief minister when no party has a clear-cut majority in the state legislative assembly
  2. Dissolution of the state legislative assembly if the council of ministers has lost its majority
  3. Dismissal of the council of ministers when it cannot prove the confidence of the state legislative assembly Governor has situational discretion in which of the above cases?

5. Consider the following statements regarding the Chief Minister:

  1. The constitution does not contain any specific procedure for the selection and appointment of the chief minister.
  2. The constitution does not require that a person must prove his majority in the Legislative assembly before he is appointed as the chief minister.
  3. A person who is not a member of the state legislature cannot be appointed as chief minister.

Which of the statements are correct?


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