Static Quiz

Static Quiz 5th June

1. What is Soil solarisation?


2. In his campaign against untouchability, Gandhiji

  1. Set up the All India Anti Untouchability League
  2. Started the weekly ‘Harijan’.
  3. Conducted a Harijan tour of the country in 1930s.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


3. The Bhakti saints emphasized on two ways of imaging the nature of the God viz. Nirguna and Saguna. Which among the following Bhakti movement saints were Saguna Bhakts?

  1. Ramananda
  2. Kabir
  3. Nimbarka
  4. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


4. What are the likely impacts of reducing the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)?

  1. Reduction in interest rates
  2. Rise in inflation
  3. Flight of foreign capital
  4. Reduction in fixed deposits.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


5. If the working person quit her old job in order to search his new job, the period between transitions of his old job to new job is considered as an example of?


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