Daily Current Affairs for UPSC

Sea Butterflies

Syllabus- Environment and Ecology [GS Paper-3]

Context- Due to climate change, the Southern Ocean’s population of sea butterflies is decreasing, making them extremely vulnerable.

Key Highlights 


  • Ocean butterflies, scientific name Thecosomata, are a suborder of ocean snails known as shelled pteropods.
  • They can swim in water instead of gliding on solid surfaces because they have strong feet.
  • Sea butterflies are holoplankton—organisms that live their entire lives in the water column—and spend their entire life cycle there. Holoplankton organisms live in the water column.
  • They are found in all oceans, but in colder waters they are more diverse and abundant.
  • Sea butterflies have a coiled or uncoiled shell of varying shapes and sizes, as well as bilateral symmetry.
  • Their shells are mostly transparent, very fragile, and ocean acidification can easily dissolve them.
  • They have a head with eyes, tentacles, and a mouth with a long proboscis to catch prey, as well as a pair of wing-like lobes called parapodia for propulsion.
  • They have a decreased or missing gill and depend on their body surface for gas trade.


  • They are a significant food hotspot for some fish, seabirds, whales, and other marine creatures.
  • Through their shells and feces, they also play a crucial role in transporting carbon from the surface to the deep ocean.

How does Environmental Change Effect the Number of inhabitants in Ocean Butterflies?

  • Acidification of the seas:
      • Ocean acidity rises as a result of the ocean taking in more carbon dioxide.
      • diminished availability of carbonate ions, which are required for shell formation and upkeep.
      • In winter, more CO2 is absorbed by cooler water, making the ocean more acidic. This indicates that the shelled sea butterflies face the greatest threat during the winter months.
      • The shells of sea butterflies can disintegrate, weaken, or deform.
      • heightened susceptibility to stress, infections, and predators.
      • Influences digestion, development, multiplication, and endurance.
  • Ocean Warming:
      • Ocean temperatures rising as a result of climate change.
      • changes in the number and distribution of sea butterflies.
      • Look for the best thermal conditions for growth and survival.
      • Modifies food accessibility and quality.
      • influences mixing and ocean currents that influence sea butterfly transport.
  • Oxidation of the Ocean:
    • Oxygen levels drop as the ocean warms and stratifies.
    • affects the energy balance and respiration of sea butterflies.
    • Modifies vertical relocation designs.
    • Compounds impacts of sea fermentation by expanding broke down carbon dioxide fixations.

How will this reduced population affect the marine ecosystems of Antarctica?

  • Decreasing the Food Accessibility for Higher Trophic Levels:
      • Fish, seabirds, whales, and other marine animals rely heavily on sea butterflies for their primary source of nourishment.
      • Sea butterflies’ population decline can result in starvation, malnutrition, or reduced reproduction in their prey and predators.
  • Changing the Marine Food Web’s Balance:
      • Sea butterflies are essential in establishing connections between primary producers (phytoplankton), secondary consumers (zooplankton), and higher trophic levels.
      • Decrease in ocean butterfly populace can modify the design and capability of the marine food web.
      • Biodiversity and efficiency of the Antarctic marine environment might be impacted.
  • The Ocean’s Capacity to Store Carbon Is Being Reduced:
    • Through their shells and feces, sea butterflies contribute to the “biological pump” by transporting carbon from the surface to the deep ocean.
    • Populace decline diminishes how much carbon sequestered (cycle of catching and putting away climatic carbon dioxide) in the sea.
    • This outcomes in expanded carbon dioxide in the climate and further sea fermentation.
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